This morning we made a science experiment, we made yogurt. Yogurt made with good bacteria benefits your digestion, improves immunity and lessens food allergies. Follow these photos to learn how to make your own yogurt. Tomorrow afternoon we will eat our yogurts. Yummy, yummy!!!!!!!

The senses – Els sentits

Students from 3rd of primary  have studied the 5 senses in english, in science class. Look at the posters we have made!

A 3r de primària hem estudiat els 5 sentits en anglès, a la classe de “science”. Mireu els murals que hem fet!



Scientists exhibition

Hello everyone!

Our great 5th and 6th graders have done great works during Easter holidays. They chose a Scientist and they made a lapbook.

tapaOn April 26th we perfom an exhibition, with costumes, wigs and other things, everybody came to see and listen what the scientists told them in English!


In the middle our four Leonardo da Vinci, YEP! He was a man but worked as four!


What do you think of our little Einsteins?



We had some Jane Goddall with monkeys, Marie Curie and the inventor of the first rollercoaster!! Can you believe it?


And for the rest, little learners,

be ready for your show and tell activities, Science is funny!

El nostre hort escolar

Ara que comença el bon temps, ja tenim a punt l’espai per l’hort.

Dies enrere vam posar quatre palets  i els vam pintar amb els colors del parxís per tal que quedin ben vistosos.

Aquesta setmana els hem omplert de terra i ja estan a punt per començar a plantar.

Cada palet correspon a un cicle, i els alumnes i els mestres ja han decidit què hi plantaran a cada un d’ells.

hort 2 hort 1

A més, a partir del 3er nivell volem vincular aquest projecte amb el de “Jump into Science”. Al Cicle Superior ja han treballat les diferents parts d’una planta i les funcions que fa cada part.

You can practice in the following link:


Energy and the environment

In Science, we are working on the topic: Energy and the environment.
Remember that energy can ble categorized into two main different sources wich are renewable and non renewable sources.
In the following links you can read and learn about the different sources of energy and their advantatges and disadvantatges:

Sources of energy:
renewable and non renewable

Advantatges and disadvantatges:

advantatges and disadvantatges

Finally, we have created a new space in our hall to share the different activities and topics that we are working on in our project: Jump into Science


The Circulatory System 5th grade

circulatory system
Our circulatory system (or cardiovascular system) moves blood through the heart and around our body.
The blood gives our body the oxygen and nutrients it needs. It also carries the waste that we need to eliminate from our body.
The heart is an organ made up of very strong involuntary muscles, so we can’t control it. It contracts and relaxes to pump blood through the blood vessels (tubes that conduct blood) in our body.
heart chambers
There are four chambers in our heart. The atriums receive incoming blood and then send it to the ventricles to be pumped out. The right side of our heart receives oxygen-poor blood from our body and pumps it to the lungs to get cleaned. The left side of your heart receives oxygen-rich blood from the lungs and pumps it back into our body.
There are three types of blood vessels. Arteries carry blood and nutrients from the heart to all parts of our body. Veins carry blood back to the heart from the rest of our body. Capillaries are very small vessels that connect our arteries and veins.
Here’s another movie that explains it all, a game, a wordsearch, a quiz and some articles to learn more about the circulatory system.


It’s a funny word. But what is puberty, anyway?

Puberty (say: pyoo-ber-tee) is the name for the time when your body begins to develop and change as you move from kid to adult. We’re talking about stuff like girls developing breasts and boys starting to look more like men. During puberty, your body will grow faster than at any other time in your life, except for when you were a baby.

It helps to know about the changes that puberty causes before they happen. That way, you know what to expect. It’s also important to remember that everybody goes through these changes. No matter where you live, whether you’re a boy or a girl, whether you like vanilla or double-fudge-chunk ice cream, you will experience them. No two people are exactly alike, but one thing everyone has in common is that we all go through puberty.

Usually, puberty starts between ages 8 and 13 in girls and ages 9 and 15 in boys. This wide range in ages may help explain why some of your friends still look like young kids whereas others look more like adults.

When your body is ready to begin puberty, your pituitary (say: pih-too-uh-ter-ee) gland (a pea-shaped gland located at the bottom of your brain) releases special hormones. Depending on whether you’re a boy or a girl, these hormones go to work on different parts of the body.

Here you have this interesting game about puberty and its changes
